Rob McElroy, P.E.
Business Leader
Professional Speaker

To help you achieve the success YOU deserve!
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I am a business leader specializing in turning good companies into great companies and great companies into incredible companies!
I do this by bringing people together, getting them the tools they need to do their jobs well and inspiring them to never settle for “good enough”.
I’ve already taken my public utility company and put it on the national map with recognition from both The Wall Street Journal and Inc. Magazine for being one of the Top Small Companies to work for in America. This has translated into profitability for my company and awards for operational excellence from the US EPA among many others.
I would love to help your company get on a path to greatness and have developed a program to get you started. Just give me a call…you don’t have to settle for “good enough” another single day!
Want to learn more? Please follow the green button below to see a condensed version of my CV. You can also connect with me through several social media avenues.
"Good Enough" isn't
good enough anymore!
I'm ready to help you deliver GREAT results!
The button at left will take you to my online CV summary here on my website. To download a full copy of my CV, please follow this link:
Having been acquainted with Rob through the years in various capacities, I have watched him excel both personally and professionally. Rob has worked to make South Alabama a better place for people to work and call home.
- Congressman Jo Bonner
"Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."
- William Jennings Bryan
I'm working with businesses across the country to help them discover new ways to connect with their people, engage with their customers and drive high performance in all that they do. Not only is this a more profitable way to operate, it's a hell of a lot more fun than "the way we've always done it".